All behaviors serve a purpose and can provide valuable insights into a child's needs


Instead of focusing on controlling behaviors, we prioritize understanding the underlying causes and creating environments where children feel safe and supported


Strategies must be tailored to the individual differences and needs of each child

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Corrine Bellinger Shipman, M.Ed. 

I was the kid who needed someone to ask "why" instead of just giving me a label. Although I worked in early childhood special education for 10 years before being diagnosed with ADHD, I didn’t realize its impact until I became a mom.

After hours and hours of hyper focus on child development, behavior, polyvagal theory and neuroscience, I had to completely rethink my approach to both myself and parenting.

Mindfulness and meditation have been key in helping me slow down and approach life with more clarity and presence. My hope is to help others understand the "why" behind behavior for the benefit of their kids.

Joy Manning, M.Ed. 

When I first started my career, I was taught that the four functions of behavior were the main reason behind how children acted. However, I often questioned if that framework fully captured the complexity of behavior—it didn’t feel complete.

As I explored child-centered, relationship-based, and developmental approaches, my understanding changed. I now see behavior as communication, influenced by emotional safety, individual differences, and relationships. This transformation has greatly impacted how I work with children and families.


Jamie Todd, M.A., SLP-CCC

When we first began creating Navigating Behavior, I wasn’t sure how my experience as an SLP would fit in, but I quickly saw how everything is interconnected.

Communication, speech, and language intersect with all areas of development. While speech and language are cognitive skills that benefit from a top-down approach, the bottom-up strategies in Navigating Behavior also align with speech therapy techniques.

This blend of nurturing and structure enables me to help children not only develop their speech and language skills but also navigate the behavioral challenges that often accompany their growth, supporting their development across all areas.

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What We Offer

Workshops & Courses

Designed for parents, educators, and therapists, our offerings cover topics such as emotional regulation, child development, communication, and relationship-based strategies

Resources & Tools

Practical guides, worksheets, downloads, and engaging content offer the tools and motivation you need to navigate behaviors confidently

Community Support

We aim to build a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to nurturing children's growth and development

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